Contact info

Marke's Ices

T:   01634 375324
M:  07768 072871 (Mark)
M:  07833 953622 (Diane)
M:  07827 443934 (Robert)

Registered VAT No 981 855 964

Fundraising? - We can help

Don't forget that if you are booking a fundraising event we have a fundraising donation policy.

If you are a school, club or registered charity you can benefit from a percentage donation towards your fundraising campaign.

We believe we lead the way with our excellent fundraising donation policy, and specialise in working closely with many school, PTA and PTFA organisers to ensure the very best in ice cream van hire. We have contributed to many happy and successful fairs and fetes.

Just let us know and we will do the rest!

Booking Form

Thank you for choosing Marke's Ices. Complete the form below and then wait for us to contact you to confirm the booking and make final arrangements - it couldn't be easier!





Child's name: Child's age:

